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After Hours Call
When you are a dog owner, you hate to think about your dog ever being sick or hurt. However, it is vital to know what you can and should do if your dog does ever suffer an injury, like a leg injury.
If you know what to do beforehand, you can provide the best possible care for your dog's well-being now and in the future.
Check for Any Obvious Breaks in the Skin or Bones
When your dog seems to have experienced an injury, assess their leg. Check your dog for any obvious breaks in the bones of their legs or any places where the skin is broken. If they are bleeding, apply gentle pressure and determine how bad the cut is.
Short shallow cuts can often be treated at home. However, a cut that is either deep, long, or both should be treated by a veterinarian.
When looking for broken bones, you can assess your dog in a few ways. Check for any unusual lumps or bulges in their leg, which can indicate a broken bone or a dislocation. You can also gently palpate your dog's leg.
If you feel any places that are abnormally tender or seem to indicate a lack of continuity in the bone, these signs could also indicate a broken bone. Head to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
Have Them Take It Easy for Several Hours
Assuming you do not find signs that your dog's leg has been broken, have your dog take it easy and rest for several hours. Oftentimes, if a dog has simply stepped down wrong or even strained a muscle in their leg, a little rest will help the dog feel better quite quickly.
If after four or five hours your dog is still having trouble moving or putting weight down on their leg, the injury may be a more significant and may require further care and treatment from a veterinarian.
Apply Ice and Heat
Apply heat and ice (alternately) to the injured leg. This treatment is just like what you would do if you injured yourself. The ice can help reduce inflammation and swelling while the heat can help with stiffness and discomfort.
Give Your Dog a Leg Massage
If your dog has a strained muscle, giving their leg a gentle massage can be a great way to help them feel better as soon as possible. Giving your dog a massage is not all that dissimilar to giving a person a massage.
Start out applying very gentle pressure and using long stroking motions to relieve muscle tension and pain. If your dog responds well to that pressure on their leg, you can gradually increase the pressure. Just watch out for signs that the massage is uncomfortable for your dog, including squirming, crying, or wincing. Stop if you see these signs.
Go to the Veterinarian
If your efforts to treat your dog's leg injury fail — or the injury seem to be getting worse — take a trip to your veterinarian's office . Your veterinarian can perform an examination, take x-rays and other scans, and determine the best course of action to get your dog up and moving normally again as soon as possible.
If your dog's leg is broken or fractured, for example, they may be given a cast or a splint or could even have surgery to put in metal pins and other supports to help the leg heal. For joint problems like arthritis, anti-inflammatory and pain medications may be prescribed.
If you know the steps to take, you can take good care of your dog if they ever injure their leg.
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